Sunday, July 22, 2007
Family is supposed to be there to lift you up and encourage. I some how have been blessed with the most insensitive family- blood and married- that ever walked. I don't want to divorce my husband, but can I divorce his family? I really couldn't tell you what in-law is worse. It's a tie between them. And it's not normal annoyances, it's like they are all seriously a little cookoo. I know I am somewhat, but seriously? I just want to bitch slap them more times than not. They talk to me like I'm an idiot. Like I have never had kids, and MUST not know anything about raisin' no babies. Makes me sick the type of people that are out in this world. I'm fine in front of my computer with my cup of coffee on this nice Sunday morning. I'm even happier that I have a 10 month old joining me right now :)

It's back to work tomorrow for me. I have been out since half the day on Thursday thanks to strep thoat. It's been nice to be home (kinda), but I have a pretty bad case of cabin fever. We do need food and diapers, so I'm sure we will get to go on a little adventure out to Wally World sometime soon. Morgan comes back from her dad's house tomorrow, so I need to get things disinfected before she comes back so that she wont catch what the rest of us have had. The house is just stuffy. I hate that feeling when you get better of a "sick" house. It's gross and I need it cleaned and aired out of all the germs floating around in this tiny apartment. YUCK.

Posted by Small Shake at 11:06 AM |