Wednesday, October 17, 2007
You trust people. Close friends. Your kids may even call them "Aunt/Uncle so and so" because you are so close , but do you REALLY know that person? Chances are if you have a gut instinct that something is just not all the way right, then it's not. And it sucks when you ignore it, and find out later one that just when you think you know someone, it's the biggest scam to date of what you have seen in your life. I'm thankful this person was never around my children alone. I'm thankful I found things out before it was too late. But I'm more upset about the broken pieces that everyone else is left with to pick up. This didn't just affect one person, it damaged a lot of things for a lot of people. I refuse to let this run my life more than it has to though. I will be here for the people that need it, and help pick up the peices of lives that were broken where I can, but I will not ignore or neglect my children, my husband, or my other friendships to become consumed with this situation. As long as they get that about me, then we're cool :)

And while we are at it, I'm going to bitch (and basically ramble on) just a tad further about work. There is a person who believes, I guess, that she is God's gift. Step aside woman. I don't wear make up, I don't dress beautiful. I dress comfortable for work, and I don't have the time for makeup. Nor do I care a whole lot about it. But when you for one second believe that it's because I don't have money (which,ok, most of the time we are tight) and that's why I dress the way I do and don't wear makeup, you need a serious reality check. I was supposed to be recieving an apology from a co worker who was repremanded for some insulting words thrown at me about my appearance. Instead of an apology, I got a speech of how she didn't know it was going to insult me, and she's been in my shoes with no money, unable to pay rent or buy diapers.". WTF??? Where do you get off you crazy balding bitch? No, we are not well off. Yes, we struggle. But we have been fortuate enough to be able to cover basic needs. We have to cut some things out, but we still cover rent, and diapers (thank you wholesale club membership :) !). I just want to know where the hell she thinks it's right to assume that and then to my face TELL ME THOSE THINGS without knowing me? Luckly, I had to write it up and she's on thin ice anyway here, so I will chalk it up to nothing more that some cold ignorant bitch that I worked with.

PS. My subtle revenge?? I wore my thigh high boots, skirt, shirt that shows a little skin, and fixed my hair, and even managed to throw on a little make up. Eat your heart out! :) :)

Posted by Small Shake at 12:42 PM |