Wednesday, May 14, 2008
But I should. I have the most random shit go through my head. I can't even begin to explain some of the things I ponder while working, driving, or anything else that doesn't allow me to have conversations with another human. And even then, I have thoughts that go through my head while I'm speaking to someone like, for example, "I wonder what they would do if I kicked their shin right now". I need help :)

So I will try to get htese thoughts down, but for now, I have this : It's long, but I'm making up for lost posting time :)

Name: Amanda
Birthdate: Feb 20, 83
Birthplace: Charleston, SC
Location:South Carolina

Hair Color: Brown right now
Eye Color: Green
Weight: hahahahahahaha.
Height: 5'2''
Braces? had them for most of high school. including Prom and Graduation. I was the cool kid.
Glasses/contacts? Until I can get back to the Eye Dr, I have these headache inducing glasses
Freckles? a few
Scars? yes. a few. C-section, and where I busted my hand open while pregnant with my first
Style: comfortable and cheap

Food: right now, pickles. Clausen Dills to be specific.
Drink: Coffee or Tea (unsweet with lemon and a splenda)
Store(s): Target
Color(s): Green, Purple, Red, Blue, Pink, Black, White.........I can't pick : )
Shoe Brand: Sale and fit. I don't give a rats ass what brand they are. But I do like the Issac Mizrahi (sp???) brand ok from Target :)
Clothing Brand(s): The kind that doesn't make it look like my thighs are fighting like pigs under a blanket. Currently, that's not a lot :)
Purse Brand(s): usually it's black. so whatever brand that comes in :) :)
This/That: this ish?
Coke/Pepsi: Coke
Bikini/One Peice: After having children- ONE PEICE- Cover that shit up!
Love/Money: This isn't just a one word answer. It' a little more complex if you think about it. Love of my children, but money in my marriage- it would eliminate a lot of stresses that cause us to not be that "loving" couple anymore....
Resturant/Fast Food: Wendy's, or Chili's. And Olive Garden.
Boy/Girl: Girls? I like boys, but I have daughters. sooooooooo this is a stupid question :)
Pop/Water: water
Dogs/Cats: cats
Abercrombie/Walmart: Walmart
Night/Day: Night
Sun/Rain: Sun

Have You Ever
Cried at work: Yes. Too many times I think
Laughed so hard you peed: Oh yes I have
Seen your best friend naked: Yeah
Taken a shower with someone: A few times
Been drunk: hmmm...nope. Wait, sorry, yes, a lot :)
Smoked: I am a smoker of the nicotine. And previous smoker of the other
Cried on someones shoulder: yes
Let someone cry on your shoulder: anytime they need it
Slept in bed with same sex: yes
Used the bathroom in front of a friend: a lot

Do You
Smoke yes
Do Drugs no
Drink every once in a while
Cry often yeah, a lot more than I used to
Change in front of your friends yes
Talk about private things with friends-- um....yes

In the Opposite Sex
Favorite eye color: Blue
Favorite hair color: Red
height: taller than me
weight: bigger than me
drink/smoke: rather not have a smoker
drugs: hell no
tatoos: yes please
peircings:sure :):)
style: cool

The last.
person you hugged: My babies
person you kissed: My babies
person you talked to: My boss
time you cried: Yesterday at lunch time
time you laughed: Earlier this morning
thing you bought: Starbucks
person you yelled at: probably one of my technicians...they get that a lot
person you said i love you to: My babies
person you told you they loved you: Husband
person you hit: uuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhh
thing you drank: Diet Pepsi
thing you ate: Pickle!!

Posted by Small Shake at 11:26 AM |