Saturday, November 15, 2008
If you think you know me, how about stop being a coward and tell me who you are? I'm pretty sure I know who you are anyway though. You are unhappy, and eventually things are going to fall apart for you too. As for your comments, I feel bad for you that you would be so unhappy, to take it out on me. I'm working through what I need to work through. And I'm doing a damn good job. You don't know me. Sorry you miss out on that.

Posted by Small Shake at 5:28 PM | 3 comments
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Really don't have much to blog about. I could complain about a lot, but, eh, what good is that really going to do? Money is tight, things keep coming up that I'm not expecting, but honestly, I'm not stressing nearly as much as I would be if this was a mear month ago. Somehow, I'm just moving on and dealing with it. I'm not even sure how, I just am. My house is clean. Well, by clean, I mean it's not gross. I have 2 kids, a dog and a full time job, all the while being single again. I am almost caught up with laundry, which is exciting!

Sometimes I wonder, when did my life get like this? When did it turn into laundry, dishes, dinner, a dog, teaching a person to read, and another person to use the potty? When did I turn into an almost divorced mid-20's single mother of 2 wondering how I'm going to date again? When am I going to have the TIME to date? Not saying I am going to now, but I'm curious as to how I'm going to do it when the time comes. I'm almost certain it's just not going to be worth it to me. Which is fine, for now. I'm sure I'll be singing a different tune eventually. I will say though, that I'm not a huge fan of being single. I don't think anyone is, really. Humans, especially women, need that human connection. And adults, need it to not include Blue's Clues and Yo Gabba Gabba, all the while trying to figure out WHY Ruby is so bossy and mean to Max (if you are a mom with Noggin or Nick, you KNOW what I'm talking about). So basically, right now, I'm just rambling and getting these things thought about. I'm pretty sure I know what I want, I'm just not sure I want it right now. Time will tell what is in store for me I guess.

Posted by Small Shake at 11:08 AM | 3 comments
Friday, November 7, 2008
I can't remember. I have had so much going on, I can't remember when I'm going to get a weekend without anything to do. I know it's gotta be around here somewhere, right? This weekend was going to be like that actaully. But because I can't say no, I'm helping serve at a wedding tomorrow. I kind of owe this woman a lot, so I couldn't say no. I should have, but I didn't. Even more so, I also offered to make the grooms cake. Yay for me. Hopefully this wont be such a disaster like my other cakes.

In other news of me not being able to say no...Course 2 cake decorating started last night at the end of the class. I kind of got suckered into signing up for it. $30 I don't really have. Yay again for not being able to just say "NO!". I might just say I really don't have the time and next time the class is offered, I will most definatly take it. But looking over what we are doing in course 2, i just know i don't have the damn time for it. It's not even an issue of money. It's the time. So I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to back out. :( I'm pretty confident that I will run myself too thin if I don't stop. In fact, I KNOW I will.

And to continue on my little ramble for today, work is at this point where, I LOVE my job, but this week, it effing sucks big ass butt. I'm exhausted and tired of trying to please all the while being super overwhelmed, on top of that, not having anything positive being said. I know it's not their job to tell me when I'm doing good. In fact, I know it's only when I screw up that they will tell me anything about my job performance. But shit. I'm busting my ass. I would at least like you to see that while I am messing up a little, look at all the shit that has been added to my plate. Give me a little time to at least learn it. It's a big system that I have taught myself. Why? BEcause you needed someone in my position so badly, you didn't take the time out to train me properly. If nothing else, take time out and train me.

Kids are growing and funny and probably the most wonderful thing going in my life right now. I'm totally happy that I have them. Maddison is having a little issue with walking. IDK. Daycare said they have noticed her walking funny for a few months, but thought that now they should mention it to me. I really havn't noticed to much because mainly, she runs all the time. That also with the fact that she is 2 and all 2 year olds have a limp, right? Well, I called the Dr. anyway, putting asided the fear of them making fun of me being an overly-concerned hypocondriac, bothersom mother. They actaully want to see her. Hm. So I'm going to monitor and realyl watch her walking for about a week, and take her in so they can see. I have to say, once I did pay attention, she does walk *a little* funny. But not too bad. I honestly think it's just a matter of one of her legs is longer than the other, and really, what can you do about that? She'll grow out of it, right?

Posted by Small Shake at 11:56 AM | 0 comments
Monday, November 3, 2008
This weekend was FABULOUS!

I like *him*. I don't want to right now, but I do. And the kiss...sigh....nice :)

What was even better is that is was the last part of an already AWESOME day. I got a free ticket to go see MY GAMECOCKS play!!!!!!!!!!!! And we WON!!!!!!! For those of you who don't know me, I am a DIEHARD Gamecock fan. Seriously. And I got decked out in my best USC gear and had a b-LAST at this game. I will have pics soon! :)

Posted by Small Shake at 11:50 AM | 1 comments