Monday, September 29, 2008
I'm trying hard to be over the self loathing and self pity. I'm not, but I'm trying. Someone told me I deserve to have everything I want. Well guess what? It's not happening. I know that I shouldn't just expect it to happen over night, but ya know, would it be so bad to at least have a glimmer of hope here? As of now, I don't have even that. All I see is things getting shittier and shittier. And I want to it be effing over. And the longer my days are, the more I realize, it's not going to happen. Some people just don't get to be happy. Just sucks I'm not one of them. Damnit.

Posted by Small Shake at 2:57 PM |


At September 30, 2008 at 9:59 AM, Blogger SaRaH said........
I'm so sorry you are going through this very difficult time.

At September 30, 2008 at 12:35 PM, Blogger Unknown said........
I'm not sure about "deserving" everything you want. I'm not sure anyone "deserves" to get everything they want. I don't even think it's a GOOD thing to get everything you want.

You have to EARN what you want by making wise choices.

Babe, you need to get your butt back to church.