Seems as though the more the days go by, the more I'm losing. My list of people not talking to me has grown tremendously. And so has my depression. I can't trust anyone. Anyone I have ever trusted has proved to me that I shouldn't. And I don't know if I ever will again.
On other news, my mother had a byopsy done week before last, and the results came in yesterday. She has a rare skin disease called mastocytosis. She's freaking out, and I'm trying not to. Deep down, I usually know when things are going to be ok, but I don't know about this. Although, my emotions are a little off right now. So maybe it will be ok, I just can't see it right now. But she's going to have to see a dermatologist and a hemotologist. Apperantly, this can be linked to a blood disorder. So on Thursday, I insisted I go to the Dr. with her. I can miss some work for this. I think I'm going for a few reasons though. One, because I know her. She's like me. The Dr. will talk, and she will try to process. She needs someone else there that can listen and ask questions too. And when some of the information goes through her head, I can add more to it from what I remember. I also want to know what the Dr. says for my OWN good. My mother and I are almost identical health wise. I think there is a part of me that wants to know if this is somehting I should watch for. Is it genetic? In the past few years, as I find out just how many health problems we have the same, I find myself obsessed with wanting to know if it's genetic or not. I don't want to put things off and ignore them just to have it affect me in the long run. I think I'm going off the deepend...